Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Kirk Weiser

Going into the presentation by Kurt I had heard from friends that he was absolutely amazing. They said that after you would hear him talk that you would feel like you could go out any do anything. Because I went into this with such high expectations I must say that I was a little bit disappointed. He was good, but I feel the first two hours of the presentation started out kind of slow and got me a little bit bored right off the bat. Later on though when he added a lot of humor to his presentation, you were able to pay attention more and then the information that he was giving us started to sink in. I feel that he gave some good examples of situations over how to motivate people and how great customer service and satisfaction. The examples with pictures made his stories all that much better. I do feel like I learned a great deal from him, but wish overall that the first part of the presentation could have been as good as the second half of the presentation.

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