Monday, March 31, 2008

Stephen Curry

Stephen Curry is a sophomore basketball player at Davidson. Even though he is young the leadership he displayed while leading his underdogged Davidson team into the NCAA Elite 8 was incredible to watch. Every time he needed a shot to help his team out he was able to almost instantly. Just watching him on the floor you could see he was a floor general.
I think he was able to learn how to be a leader on the bball floor from his father, Dell Curry, who was an NBA player for many years. I watched Dell growing up and he always was a key member to the teams that he was on. One would have to think that Stephen had to learned these qualities from his old man.
Since Stephen is only a sophomore, it will be interesting to see if he decides to stay in college or head straight to the NBA. If he stays one would have to also think that his leadership will keep getting better and better, and Davidson will keep getting better and better then.

Leaders in the NCAA Tourney

While watching the NCAA tournament it is apparent that leadership and experience seem to go hand in hand. Purdue for instance, has leader, but not great leaders. Not one individual player seems to stand out from another player. Purdue mostly played freshman and sophomores and this seemed to hurt us when we played an experience Xavier. Xavier plays almost all seniors and juniors, and you could just see while watching them play on that when Purdue would make a run, that Xavier's leadership with its upperclassman, would calm down their younger players, and then be able to go on a run of their own. They basically had experience, and we did not. If you look at the bright side though, our young players are amazing players, and once that experience and leadership kicks with our older players, we should be one tough team to beat. Things will be looking bright in Mackey Arena for some time.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Spring Break leadership

Over spring break, many college kids are out on their own and no one really has a set plan execpt on the actual city you are going to . I myself, went with a group of 16 people, and once we got there everyone wanted to go to a different place on a different night. I wanted the whole group to hang out together, and since we were all getting into these arguments leadership was needed to get a decision made. I decided to step up and just say what we are doing. Then I woudl call a taxi to make sure that we had a safe way there and back, and once the taxi is on its way there is no way to back out of the plans. It was the best way to handle the situation, and I think to say it is the best way to get things accomplished, and we all had a blast to during spring break. We all stayed safe to which is also extremely important.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

New group leader

Today my group received an email stating that our group leader Joseph Braun will be replaced by someone else. Joseph has worked extremely hard and did deserve the promotion that he has received, but I feel like he has abandoned our group in a way. He told us that he would be our group leader throughout the whole entire semester. Changing this late into the semester seems like it could be challenging to our group. We are so used to Joseph's leadership style that I hope that our new group leader's leadership style is similar to Joe's and that we can continue on.

Congrats to Joe on his promotion, and best of luck to our new group leader.

Kirk Weiser

Going into the presentation by Kurt I had heard from friends that he was absolutely amazing. They said that after you would hear him talk that you would feel like you could go out any do anything. Because I went into this with such high expectations I must say that I was a little bit disappointed. He was good, but I feel the first two hours of the presentation started out kind of slow and got me a little bit bored right off the bat. Later on though when he added a lot of humor to his presentation, you were able to pay attention more and then the information that he was giving us started to sink in. I feel that he gave some good examples of situations over how to motivate people and how great customer service and satisfaction. The examples with pictures made his stories all that much better. I do feel like I learned a great deal from him, but wish overall that the first part of the presentation could have been as good as the second half of the presentation.